We've decided to make less money: We've slashed our pricing for session replay. They're now more than 50% cheaper for most customers.

Array 1.4.0

May 07, 2020

Session times are here! They're a great way to help understand how engaged users are. The Array 1.4.0 brings plenty of improvements to our core functionality.

Release notes

Filter properties individually

In both trends and funnels, you can now add filters for each event individually, rather than for all events.

Breakdown by properties in graph

Previously the only way to see properties broken down by value was in a table. Now you can break down on any property and display it in a graph.

Select a property on the left hand side, like $browser, and a line will appear for each value of that property (Chrome, Firefox etc).

Session time series

Eric has been hard at work improving the way we display session information. You can now see how the average time spent on your app changes over time.

Export cohorts as CSV

This was contributed by Anoop, and while it admittedly took a while to get merged it’s a great addition. You can now export a full list of users from any cohort to CSV, including all distinct ids and properties.

Edit frontend selectors in Actions

Previously, the only way to edit selectors for frontend elements in actions was to go to your own site and use the toolbar. Now you can do this inside PostHog itself.

### Setup page redesign

Thanks to Sanket for this one! The setup page now uses Antd too and it looks great.

Restrict access to instance by IP

You can now restrict access to your instance by IP for extra security. See docs on how to set that up.

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Favorite issue

“Compare to” in charts #715

Thanks to Paolo for raising this issue. It’d be great to have the ability to compare certain timeframes against each other.

Feel free to comment on the issue if you have any other ideas about this!

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