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Data pipelines

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Data pipelines include transformations and destinations. Transformations extend PostHog's functionality by filtering and transforming data. Destinations sends PostHog data to other sources and includes batch exports which reliably send data to a destination on a schedule.

Destinations require the data pipeline add-on in your billing settings.

Pipelines can be used for a wide variety of use cases, such as:

  • Send event data to a data warehouse. If you have a data lake or data warehouse, you can use destinations to send PostHog event data there, while ensuring you still have that data in PostHog to perform your analytics processes.

  • Enforce event schemas. By default, PostHog does not enforce schemas on events it receives. However, a transformation could do so, preventing ingestion of events that do not match the specified schema in order to keep your data clean and following specific guidelines you need it to follow.

  • Label events. To facilitate sorting through your events, you can use transformations to determine arbitrary logic to label an event (e.g. by setting a label property). This can help you tailor your metrics in PostHog, as well as facilitate data ordering if you ever use PostHog data elsewhere.

For a full list of transformations and destinations currently available , see the PostHog codebase.


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Batch exports

Batch exports give you a platform to schedule data exports to supported destinations. Batch exports are built on Temporal to enable reliable data exports, ensuring your data reaches your destination. The key features offered by this platform are: Resiliency: Retry capabilities (both automated and manual) when the destination is temporarily unavailable. Efficient data transfers: Processing data in batches reduces the number of data transfers required (less INSERT queries or file uploads…

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