We've decided to make less money: We've slashed our pricing for session replay. They're now more than 50% cheaper for most customers.

Zendesk starter report template

Help is on the way (for your support metrics)

Get support metrics in PostHog

View ticket count, recent tickets, organizations and users who submit the most tickets, first reply time, and more, all in one place.

Combine with PostHog product data

Combine your Zendesk and PostHog product data to get a complete view of your customer support experience.

What's on this dashboard?

  • Key metric counters

    See how ticket counts and average reply times change over time.

  • Top requesters

    Identify the organizations and users who submit the most tickets.

  • Power user Zendesk profiles

    Combine your Zendesk data with PostHog to get the profiles and ticket counts of your most active users.

  • First reply time

    Use Zendesk's ticket metrics to calculate the average first reply time over time.