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Managing small teams

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Creating a new job

  • Create a directory and team file in the repo (eg: /contents/teams/team-name/index.mdx)
  • Ask Lottie to create a new team crest
  • Ask Website & Docs Team to create a team in Strapi and upload a team photo*
  • Once the page is previewable (on its Vercel branch), login to the website to:
    • add team members
    • assign the team lead (the crown icon)
    • add a mission

*This is temporary / will be self-serve via the website in the future


  • Any MDX files in the repo will display below the team members and recently shipped sections.

In the future

  • We're moving toward having quarterly goals in their own MDX files, like 2024-Q1.mdx. This will allow us to show the current team goals, while displaying previous goals in an accordion.
  • Moderators will be able to create teams directly on the website (no Strapi required)

Removing a small team

Ask the Website & Docs team for help.


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Managing the company roadmap

Creating a new roadmap item Log in to Strapi Click Roadmap in the sidebar Click New Roadmap fields Title* The title of the roadmap item. Self-explanatory. Description A brief description of what the roadmap item intends to accomplish. Projected completion date / Date completed The projected completion/completion date of the roadmap item. If the “Complete” checkbox is checked, this field label will change from “Projected completion date” to “Date completed”. This field also controls where the…

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