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Troubleshooting and debugging your PostHog instance

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🌇 Sunset Kubernetes deployments

This page covers our PostHog Kubernetes deployment, which we sunset and no longer support. We will continue to provide security updates for Kubernetes deployments until at least May 31, 2024.

For existing customers
We highly recommend migrating to PostHog Cloud (US or EU). Take a look at this guide for more information on the migration process.
Looking to continue self-hosting?
We still maintain our Open-source Docker Compose deployment. Instructions for deploying can be found here.


Connection is not secure

First, check that DNS is set up properly:

nslookup <your-hostname>

Note that when using a browser there are various layers of caching and other logic that could make the resolution work (temporarily) even if its not correctly set up.


Are the errors I'm seeing important?

Here are some examples of log spam that currently exists in our app and is safe to ignore:

The following messages in the ClickHouse pod happen when ClickHouse reshuffles how it consumes from the topics. So, anytime ClickHouse or Kafka restarts we'll get a bit of noise and the following log entries are safe to ignore:

<Error> TCPHandler: Code: 60, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table posthog.sharded_events doesn't exist.
<Warning> StorageKafka (kafka_session_recording_events): Can't get assignment. It can be caused by some issue with consumer group (not enough partitions?). Will keep trying.

The following error is produced by some low-priority celery tasks and we haven't seen any actual impact so can safely be ignored. It shows up in Sentry as well.

TooManyConnections: too many connections
File "posthog/celery.py",
File "clickhouse_pool/pool.py", line 102, in pull
raise TooManyConnections("too many connections")

How do I connect to the web server's shell?

PostHog is built on Django, which comes with some useful utilities. One of them is a Python shell. You can connect to it like so:

# First we need to determine the name of the web pod – see "How do I see logs for a pod?" for more on this
POSTHOG_WEB_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n posthog | grep -- '-web-' | awk '{print $1}')
# Then we connect to the interactive Django shell
kubectl exec -n posthog -it $POSTHOG_WEB_POD_NAME -- python manage.py shell_plus

In a moment you should see the shell load and finally a message like this appear:

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

That means you can now type Python code and run it with PostHog context (such as models) already loaded! For example, to see the number of users in your instance run:


How do I connect to ClickHouse?

Tip: Find out your pod names with kubectl get pods -n posthog

  1. Find out your ClickHouse user and password from the web pod:

    kubectl exec -n posthog -it <your-posthog-web-pod> \
    -- sh -c 'echo user:$CLICKHOUSE_USER password:$CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD'
  2. Connect to the chi-posthog-posthog-0-0-0 pod:

    kubectl exec -n posthog -it chi-posthog-posthog-0-0-0 -- /bin/bash
  3. Connect to ClickHouse using clickhouse-client:

    Note: You're connecting to your production database, proceed with caution!

    clickhouse-client -d posthog --user <user_from_step_1> --password <password_from_step_1>

How do I restart all pods for a service?

Important: Not all services can be safely restarted this way. It is safe to do this for the app/plugin server. If you have any doubts, ask someone from the PostHog team.

  1. Terminate all running pods for the service:

    # substitute posthog-plugins for the desired service
    kubectl scale deployment posthog-plugins --replicas=0 -n posthog
  2. Start new pods for the service:

    # substitute posthog-plugins for the desired service
    kubectl scale deployment posthog-plugins --replicas=1 -n posthog


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Open-source self-hosted support

Support for open-source deployments of PostHog PostHog at production scale is a data-intensive application with a complex system architecture. Frequently, errors with self-hosted PostHog are due to incorrect configurations or management. Unfortunately, as a small team, we don't have the bandwidth for troubleshooting instance-specific issues for open-source users of PostHog. However, if you identify an issue with the open-source deployment for PostHog please create a GitHub issue on the repo…

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